Everybody makes typing or spelling errors on occasion. Yes, even I do. I actually appreciate when others point out a mistake I make in a status update or article. I acknowledge it, fix it, and try not to be so careless in the future. If I’m going to play grammar cop I should know better. After all, I have built myself a glass house and the internet is full of people ready to throw the first stone.
I find it especially heinous when journalists and news stations make these errors, though. These are supposed to be professionals who spent time and money specifically studying grammar and language and are paid to know better. They have a multitude of professional staff all in the business of effective and professional communication, including paid copy editors who are expected to proofread things before they are printed or aired. If not, then they have failed at their assigned tasks and should be fired. These are supposed masters of the written language and the people at the top of the list of those who should know better.
I was watching last night’s episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and the opening news segment included a story about America’s educational standing along with other nations. The results of the study were bad enough, and a very depressing snapshot of our educational standards in its own right, but it all became crystal clear just how low the bar has fallen.
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