Alabama Story examines race through a banned children’s book
Librarian Takes Center Stage Play about race and a banned children’s book wp.me/p6YsyC-1RP #AlabamaStory
Librarian Takes Center Stage Play about race and a banned children’s book wp.me/p6YsyC-1RP #AlabamaStory
In 1931, 14-year-old Forrest J. Ackerman wrote a letter to Edgar Rice Burroughs, author of the banned book, Tarzan, informing him of an argument he had with his teacher regarding Edgar’s books. I love this! What a brilliant author to write a response that still speaks to people today.
Hardly any work of imaginative storytelling has stood as more enduring and full-bodied a testament to this ideal than Ray Bradbury’s 1953 masterwork Fahrenheit 451 — a love letter to books and to the people who care about them and, perhaps above all, to the very capacity for caring. This […]
Inspired by the success of Pokémon Go, a Belgian primary school headmaster has developed an online game for people to search for books instead of cartoon monsters, attracting tens of thousands of players in weeks. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/offbeat/belgians-are-hunting-books-instead-of-pokemon/ar-BBw6N9W?ocid=st The perfect, and logical, progression of Little Free Libraries on a larger scale. This […]
The council action seeks to encourage more of the libraries, said Councilman Kolby Granville, who helped push for the new policy. Residents who build or purchase a little library can submit an application and receipts to the city for a reimbursement. The city set aside $10,000 in its budget for the program, which […]
DODEA officials have said implementing similar standards will make it easier for its students when they relocate to other military or public schools. The new standards are said to be more rigorous and easier to understand than current DODEA standards, the agency said. http://www.stripes.com/news/dodea-students-will-tackle-new-literacy-standards-in-grades-6-to-12-when-school-starts-1.425574
The lines in the sand continue to form at colleges across the country. While many colleges are instituting “safe spaces” and banning “trigger words”, some are not coddling their student body. The University of Chicago recently made it clear to its crop of incoming students that academic freedom and inquiry […]
A 2012 study showed that more than half of young adult books are actually being purchased and read by adults. So who are they really for? http://www.mprnews.org/story/2016/08/25/books-young-adult-novels-for-grownups
With support from the American Library Association (ALA), U.K. organizations have united to host Banned Books Week programs throughout London, demonstrating that censorship is not confined to the United States. http://www.pressreleasepoint.com/banned-books-week-makes-international-splash-across-pond
According to tintaanakmuda.wordpress.com, by 2015, Home Ministry alone have banned over 1543 titles! And this number doesn’t even include the ones that have been banned by JAKIM, so there could be many more. Is this number even accurate? Thankfully the Home Ministry website provided a list of banned books that you can view on their website. […]
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